The Power of Pause part 3
This is the third in my articles on the power of pause. Click below to read parts 1 and 2 if you haven’t already:
Power of Pause Part 3
Pausing gives you internal power, it causes us to really think about ourself, what we are doing from day to day, what we are doing with our life.
It causes us to challenge ourselves and ask the question how am I affecting my world around me.
You see, we have the power, each and every one of us , to change the way we treat ourselves , how we speak and treat one another, and how we affect our world around us.
In my last blog – Power of Pause prt2 I explained how Pausing allows you to take stock of what is really important and It helps you make the right decisions ….remember the old saying “Only Fools Rush In!!”
Well last week, I slipped back into the old habit of not pausing (unfortunately this can happened when we are too busy; being too busy can be distracting and when your distracted huge mistakes can be made.)
I had to make an important business decision in a short space of time with very little information or resource, but rather than; pausing to reflect on my vision, my long term goals and to think the decision through in its entirety….
The consequence of that mistake has added more to my work load and has added absolutely no value whatsoever!
The powerful message in this unfortunate mistake is….. I will never make that mistake again!!
So remember to the power of pause. Remember to pause and reflect — before you sign on with someone or some organisation, take that moment …. Use this Powerful tool – The Power of the Pause….You’ve earned it and you deserve it!
#BigUpYourself #KeepingItReal #KeepItMoving #PowerOfPause