The Hope Gala Ball 2023

If you love music, inspiration, positivity and good energy …

You won’t want to miss the The Hope Gala Ball – The Masquerade Edition, along with “FORGOTTEN BLACK WOMEN HEROES” past and present. Bringing the community together, celebrating the ’75’ Platinum years of Windrush. It’s a Black tie dinner and dance 

Fundraising for survivors of domestic abuse to empower them to take their power back and reclaim their lives!

Every ticket you buy helps & supports this cause!!

This is a monumental & educational moment

Get you ticket today – call 07957255670

Or visist

Consessions available for OAP’s

The funds from the ball, as mentioned above will go to help survivors of domestic abuse, this is all. done via GEM – The Global Empowerment Movement. GEM is a not for profit organisation that helps and supports women and girls to find practical solutions to overcome emotional challenges and provides life skills and tools to increase confidence and self-esteem, therefore allowing them to rebuild their lives and have a sense of wellbeing.