As the end of the year has passed and this new year of hope has begun I used the power of pause to take a moment to stop’ reflect and plan the steps I will take this year.
At the same time I was mindful not to jump on the band wagon by following the majority by making yet another set of new year resolutions, endless, empty promises & declarations that will fall by the wayside within a matter of a few moments never remembered by the middle let alone the end of the year.
This year I ‘Pause’!!
If this is you…don’t despair, don’t feel bad, but be encouraged that there is power in the pause.
You are not a failure but an overcomer and you can achieve anything if you believe.
I pause to catch my breath and slow this racing life down to consider all the outer and inner elements of my core, to reflect on the graciousness and mercy of God. To put all my aspirations & desires into prospective. To visualise, plan & strategise what this current year will bring for me and my family.
The Power of Pause is as much about what we don’t do as what we do. It allows me to be passive by stopping, letting go, being still….I exhale at the same time it allows me to be active, being attentive, conscious, take responsibility…I inhale
I ask myself …..
So how can make the significant changes I want in my world and stick to it, live through it, manage it, remember it & most of all….enjoy it so it benefits all?
I answer myself….
Commitment to the Vision, Responsibility to the Plans & Repetition of Strategy.
Being present in your moment and consistently committed to working that model will enable you to embrace and make the significant changes this year and lifetime.
Take action today Let go of the old & embrace the new.
#BigUpYourself #KeepingItReal #KeepItMoving #PowerOfPause