Freedom Friday – He didn’t hit me!

Freedom Friday

When your honest with your self you set yourself free

This poem is about a woman’s journey to free herself from Domestic Abuse

There is always a way out of tre darkness , just follow the light inside and be brave ❤️

He just went through my phone every time I was in the shower,
Provoking fights that would last for hours,
Always apologizing with a bouquet of flowers.
He didn’t hit me.
He just hated all my friends.
Told me they were no good and that I should just stay in.
He was careful to always remind me I was unworthy,
And any time I spoke to a man, he would accuse me of being flirty.
He laughed, saying no one else would ever love me,
Making me feel nothing but useless and ugly.
He didn’t hit me.
He would just break my things on the rare occasions I decided to go out,
Coming home to his aggressive shouts.
He just deleted all my contacts who were men,
Telling me to never speak to them again.
He didn’t hit me.
He just wouldn’t listen when I said no,
Every day stealing a little more of my glow.
He would criticize my appearance,
Calling me stupid, every day weakening my resilience.
He didn’t hit me.
He would just threaten his own life when I would try to leave,
A burden no 19-year-old should receive.
He didn’t hit me.
He just made me hate myself every day.
Worried how the hell I would get away.
He didn’t hit me.
Until one day, he overheard a call.
Hearing that I was leaving, he pushed me toward the wall.
But, he didn’t hit me.

The Hope Gala Ball is raising money to help survivors of domestic abuse move forward. There’s only 7 days to go, a few tickets are still available, just head the Ball page for more information.

The Hope Gala Ball 2023

If you love music, inspiration, positivity and good energy …

You won’t want to miss the The Hope Gala Ball – The Masquerade Edition, along with “FORGOTTEN BLACK WOMEN HEROES” past and present. Bringing the community together, celebrating the ’75’ Platinum years of Windrush. It’s a Black tie dinner and dance 

Fundraising for survivors of domestic abuse to empower them to take their power back and reclaim their lives!

Every ticket you buy helps & supports this cause!!

This is a monumental & educational moment

Get you ticket today – call 07957255670

Or visist

Consessions available for OAP’s

The funds from the ball, as mentioned above will go to help survivors of domestic abuse, this is all. done via GEM – The Global Empowerment Movement. GEM is a not for profit organisation that helps and supports women and girls to find practical solutions to overcome emotional challenges and provides life skills and tools to increase confidence and self-esteem, therefore allowing them to rebuild their lives and have a sense of wellbeing.

Principles of It Starts With Me

It All Starts With Me ……

The principle of Everything Starts With Me…

Celebrate your greatness, have enough faith in the Divine God that lives inside of you to know that you can achieve anything if you believe.

A Moment of Thought The Power of Pause

As the end of the year has passed and this new year of hope has begun I used the power of pause to take a moment to stop’ reflect and plan the steps I will take this year.

At the same time I was mindful not to jump on the band wagon by following the majority by making yet another set of new year resolutions, endless, empty promises & declarations that will fall by the wayside within a matter of a few moments never remembered by the middle let alone the end of the year.
This year I ‘Pause’!!

If this is you…don’t despair, don’t feel bad, but be encouraged that there is power in the pause.
You are not a failure but an overcomer and you can achieve anything if you believe.

I pause to catch my breath and slow this racing life down to consider all the outer and inner elements of my core, to reflect on the graciousness and mercy of God. To put all my aspirations & desires into prospective. To visualise, plan & strategise what this current year will bring for me and my family.

The Power of Pause is as much about what we don’t do as what we do. It allows me to be passive by stopping, letting go, being still….I exhale at the same time it allows me to be active, being attentive, conscious, take responsibility…I inhale

I ask myself …..
So how can make the significant changes I want in my world and stick to it, live through it, manage it, remember it & most of all….enjoy it so it benefits all?

I answer myself….
Commitment to the Vision, Responsibility to the Plans & Repetition of Strategy.
Being present in your moment and consistently committed to working that model will enable you to embrace and make the significant changes this year and lifetime.

Take action today Let go of the old & embrace the new.

#BigUpYourself #KeepingItReal #KeepItMoving #PowerOfPause